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U.S. Climate Pathways for 2035 with Strong Non-Federal Leadership

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A new Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) analysis (December 2024) finds that through strong leadership by non-federal actors, the United States could achieve 54-62% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions relative to 2005 levels by 2035 across a range of updated federal climate ambition scenarios. These numbers could go higher depending on alternate future evolution of technology costs, market forces, and other factors. Previous analysis shows reductions in the range of 65-67% resulting from actions consistent with the strongest overall national effort.

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Check out our other research on pathways to achieving greater emissions reductions in the United States and in other major economies

New research from the Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) policy brief assesses U.S. climate pathways for 2035 across a range of federal climate ambitions with continued and enhanced non-federal climate action. The analysis finds that in the event of the reversal of strong federal climate action, enhanced non-federal action alone could still significantly bolster the transition to clean energy. With actions including widespread adoption of renewable and clean electricity targets, California’s EV sales targets, vehicle miles traveled reduction policies, building efficiency and electrification standards, industry carbon capture and sequestration targets, oil and gas methane intensity standards, and increased waste diversion efforts, the United States could achieve 54-62% emissions reductions by 2035, even in the context of federal inactions or rollbacks.

Check out the full report to learn how accelerated leadership from non-federal actors can achieve significant emissions reductions and contribute toward global climate goals. Stay tuned for future research that will further explore the climate and energy implications associated with reduced federal climate leadership and the role that non-federal actors can play as the future of the U.S. climate policy landscape unfolds.

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School Authors: Allen Fawcett, Gokul Iyer, Kathleen Kennedy, Steven J. Smith

Other Authors: Wei Peng, Susan Anenberg, John Bistline, Mark Budolfson, Sara M. Constantino, Kelly Crawford, Kenneth Davis, Peter DeCarlo, Hayden Hashimoto, Casey Helgeson, Xinyuan Huang, Klaus Keller, Harry Kennard, Robert Laumbach, Vijay S. Limaye, Erin Mayfield, James McFarland, Michelle Meyer, Paul Miller, Andrew Place, Nicholas Roy, Christine Schell, Noah Scovronick, Vivek Srikrishnan, Donna Vorhees, Yuanyu Xie

School Authors: Allen Fawcett, Gokul Iyer, Alicia Zhao

Other Authors: John Bistline, Aaron Bergman, Geoffrey Blanford, Maxwell Brown, Dallas Burtraw, Maya Domeshek, Anne Hamilton, Jesse Jenkins, Ben King, Hannah Kolus, Amanda Levin, Qian Luo, Kevin Rennert, Molly Robertson, Nicholas Roy, Ethan Russell, Daniel Shawhan, Daniel Steinberg, Anna van Brummen, Grace Van Horn, Aranya Venkatesh, John Weyant, Ryan Wiser