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Substantial air quality and health co-benefits from combined federal and subnational climate actions in the United States

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Huang, X., Peng, W., Zhao, A., Ou, Y., Kennedy, S., Iyer, G., McJeon, H., Cui, R. & Hultman, N. E. (2025) Substantial Air Quality and Health Benefits from Combined Federal and Subnational Climate Actions in the United States. One Earth 8, 101232.

  • Combining US federal and subnational actions yields widespread health co-benefits
  • Climate policies can reduce 6,600 PM2.5-related deaths across the US in 2030
  • Health co-benefits are found in nearly all US counties (>99%)
  • Besides climate actions, socioeconomic trends and air quality policies also matter


Policymakers increasingly recognize the air quality and health co-benefits from climate mitigation efforts, yet it remains unclear which combination of policy actions can bring more health co-benefits with more equitable distributions. By developing a coupled energy-pollution-health modeling framework, this study shows that by 2030, combined efforts from all societal actors across the United States can lower premature deaths attributable to exposure to ambient particulate matter by 6,600 cases (confidence interval: 3,200–10,000) relative to a ‘‘baseline’’ scenario. Net health co-benefits are found in every state and nearly every county (>99%). Future trends in socioeconomic patterns and air pollution control efforts are key determinants of the baseline pollution and health levels without climate actions and, consequently, the scale of health co-benefits attributable to climate actions. This study thus demonstrates the complex and interacting drivers for future health impacts and highlights the importance of coordinated efforts across various policy domains and actors.

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School Authors: Allen Fawcett, Gokul Iyer, Kathleen Kennedy, Steven J. Smith

Other Authors: Wei Peng, Susan Anenberg, John Bistline, Mark Budolfson, Sara M. Constantino, Kelly Crawford, Kenneth Davis, Peter DeCarlo, Hayden Hashimoto, Casey Helgeson, Xinyuan Huang, Klaus Keller, Harry Kennard, Robert Laumbach, Vijay S. Limaye, Erin Mayfield, James McFarland, Michelle Meyer, Paul Miller, Andrew Place, Nicholas Roy, Christine Schell, Noah Scovronick, Vivek Srikrishnan, Donna Vorhees, Yuanyu Xie

School Authors: Allen Fawcett, Gokul Iyer, Alicia Zhao

Other Authors: John Bistline, Aaron Bergman, Geoffrey Blanford, Maxwell Brown, Dallas Burtraw, Maya Domeshek, Anne Hamilton, Jesse Jenkins, Ben King, Hannah Kolus, Amanda Levin, Qian Luo, Kevin Rennert, Molly Robertson, Nicholas Roy, Ethan Russell, Daniel Shawhan, Daniel Steinberg, Anna van Brummen, Grace Van Horn, Aranya Venkatesh, John Weyant, Ryan Wiser