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Build Your Career Strategy

WRI Event - Group of people at WRI
Students attended a Career Trek to the World Resources Institute, a global research organization that spans more than 60 countries, with offices in the United States, China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and more. Career Treks are events that bring groups of students to DC-area organizations to learn more about their role in the policy world.

Our career services professionals offer a range of opportunities to practice interviewing, get feedback and interact with employers at events.

We encourage students and alumni to take advantage of these opportunities to build skills that will help them make the most of their potential.

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Wherever you are in your studies, our career services experts are here to help you. If you are a freshman hoping to explore career options or a graduate student looking to build an individualized professional development plan, we suggest you visit us. We offer career counseling appointments, as well as walk-in advising hours, to best meet the needs of all of our students.

Through individual career counseling, you can:

  • Gain a better understanding of your skills, abilities and interests and how they relate to your career Get help acquiring an internship, year-round and during the summer
  • Inform your career-decision making, whether you are searching for your first job or negotiating between offers
  • Conduct a thorough self-assessment of your skills, values, interests and personality using tools such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Strong Interest Inventory
  • Improve your resume and cover letter writing abilities
  • Enhance your interview preparation skills and conduct informational interviews
  • Develop connections to the School alumni and other policy professionals
  • Research and apply for jobs in your area of interest using resources like Handshake and social media

Sign up for a counseling slot with Bryan Kempton

Sign up for a counseling slot with Hardeep Chowdhary

Our events connect our campus community with alumni and employers. View upcoming career events to expand your network, skills and expertise.

  • Career Treks are opportunities to get an inside look at public policy in practice. These events bring groups of 8-10 students to DC-area organizations to learn more about their role in the policy world, meet policy professionals and tour the office or worksite. Site visits generally last about 2 - 3 hours. Career Treks serve to expose students to employment opportunities and connect employers to highly-skilled, motivated individuals.
  • Attend a Career Panel to prepare for the internship and job search in today's market. Policy professionals visit campus each semester to share their insight into critical public policy issues and trends. Panelists also provide helpful information regarding taking advantage of important academic and experiential learning opportunities.
  • Career Networking Nights offer students the opportunity to network in Washington, D.C. with alumni and employers from the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Attend these exciting events to share leads, receive expert advice and meet students, faculty, staff and alumni.
  • Professional Development Series are a series of workshops that help current students gain a competitive edge when searching for internships and jobs. Workshop topics include resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, job searching and networking. Additional programs address leveraging social media in the job search, demystifying the security clearance process and navigating the Federal Government’s Pathways hiring program.

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International Students

We're here to serve the unique needs of international students through collaboration with our supportive staff and expansive alumni network. Reach out to learn how we can help ensure you are competitive and ready for today's job market.
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Where in the world are our grads?

SPP alumni work for the federal government, nonprofit organizations and even Fortune 500 companies.
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