New research identifies some of the key research gaps on the role of SOEs in energy transitions
M. Zhu, F. Al-Sulayman, A. Clark, R. Gupta, K. Hochstetler, & N. Hultman. (June 2023). “State-owned enterprises and energy transitions: Key research questions for an emerging topic.” Center for Global Sustainability, College Park.
New research led by CGS Assistant Research Professor Mengye Zhu discusses the role of state-owned enterprises in the political economy of energy transitions. This research aims to set a research agenda and identifies some of the key research gaps on this topic.
To take the next step in exploring this research agenda, there will be a panel discussion at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in July this year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, entitled “Decarbonization from the Commanding Heights: State-Owned Enterprises and Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies.” Stay tuned to learn more!