Anand Patwardhan is professor in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, College Park. He was earlier a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay. Anand has a BTech (Electrical Engineering) from IIT-Bombay and a MS (Civil Engineering) and PhD (Engineering and Public Policy), both from Carnegie Mellon University. Anand’s research focuses on mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change, and the assessment of vulnerability and adaptation, as well as broader issues of science, technology and innovation policy. He has been a coordinating lead author for the IPCC, and a member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility. He currently serves as co-chair of the Science Committee of the World Adaptation Science Program (WASP), co-chair of the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) and co-lead of the Methodology Advisory Group of the Race to Resilience.
Patwardhan's full list of publications can be found on his Google Scholar page.
- climate change; mitigation & adaptation; clean technology; technology & innovation policy
Restricted to PLCY majors or permission required.
Schedule of Classes
Students undertake a complex policy or management challenge on behalf of a client, often of their choosing.
Building on their work in PLCY690, students undertake and present a complex policy or management analysis on behalf of a client, often of their choosing.
Schedule of Classes
School Authors: Anand Patwardhan
Other Authors: Robert E. Kopp, Elisabeth A. Gilmore, Rachael L. Shwom, Helen Adams, Carolina Adler, Michael Oppenheimer, Chris Russill, Daniela N. Schmidt, Richard York
School Authors: Anand Patwardhan
Other Authors: Marco Billi, Roxana Bórquez, Juan Carlos Varela, Paulina Aldunce, Nicolle Aspee, Emilie Beauchamp, Priscilla Berríos, Marcela Cuevas, Ana María Loboguerrero, Francis Mason Bustos, Maisa Rojas
School Authors: Jiehong Lou, Nathan Hultman, Anand Patwardhan
Other Authors: Irving Mintzer
School Authors: Yueming 'Lucy' Qiu, Anand Patwardhan, Nathan Hultman
Other Authors: Xingchi Shen, Xing Bo, Bing Dong
School Authors: Jiehong Lou, Nathan Hultman, Anand Patwardhan, Yueming 'Lucy' Qiu
School Authors: Yueming 'Lucy' Qiu, Anand Patwardhan
Other Authors: Xingchi Shen, Pengfei Liu, Parth Vaishnav
School Authors: Anand Patwardhan
Other Authors: Zinta Zommers, Philippe Marbaix, Andreas Fischlin, Zelina Z. Ibrahim, Sean Grant, Alexandre K. Magnan, Hans-Otto Pörtner, Mark Howden, Katherine Calvin, Koko Warner, Wim Thiery, Zita Sebesvari, Edouard L. Davin, Jason P. Evans, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Brian C. O’Neill, Rachel Warren, Maarten K. van Aalst , Margot Hulbert