Clay Ramsay is a senior research associate at CISSM and a practitioner in the study of US and international public opinion on global problems and domestic policy. He is best known for his long-time role as research director for the Program on International Policy Attitudes (now the Program for Public Consultation). One of the founders of the program in 1994, he supervised content, execution and reporting of over 271 survey modules, managed the work of 3-6 junior staff, and wrote most text of final reports.
Among other projects, he steered collaboration with the World Bank on a 15-nation survey on attitudes toward climate change, the first to specifically target developing countries; worked on a 27-country survey for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and managed a two-wave survey of seven Muslim countries on attitudes toward terrorism, US military presence, and the West in general, for the START research consortium sponsored by Department of Homeland Security, organizing question input from eight other researchers.
In 2019, along with Prof.s Nancy Gallagher and Ebrahim Mohseni, he was a co-author of Iranian Public Opinion Under “Maximum Pressure,” which covered the Iranian public’s reaction over 2019 to the U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal and the resumption of sanctions (waves of surveys were conducted in May, August and October). His op-ed on the report appeared in the Baltimore Sun.
In 2017 he worked on CISSM’s extensive study of Iranian public opinion before and after its presidential election, and on a survey of Americans regarding the House of Representatives bill, the American Health Care Act, which was meant to replace the Affordable Care Act but did not pass the Senate.
He is also active in teaching undergraduate courses at the School. He taught an international version of PLCY 101, Great Thinkers on Public Policy, in 2019 and will repeat it in spring 2020, when he will also teach PLCY388W, Global Action for Global Solutions.
Publications include “Public Opinion and Evidence-Based Counterinsurgency” (in Evidence-Based Counterterrorism Policy, Lum and Kennedy eds., Springer 2012), "The Iraq War and US Public Opinion” (in Balance Sheet: The Iraq War and US National Security, Duffield and Dombrowski eds., Stanford 2009), and, with Steven Kull and Evan Lewis, “The Media, Misperceptions, and the Iraq War” (Political Science Quarterly, winter 2004).
Ramsay was trained initially as an historian and holds a PhD in modern European history from Stanford University. His historical publications include The Ideology of the Great Fear: the Soissonnais in 1789 (Johns Hopkins, 1992).
- US & international public opinion on domestic/global policy; Iranian policy; public and elite understanding of rule of law in the US; pedagogy for public policy
Introduction to the intellectual foundations of public policy, from ancient theories on collective public action through the more contemporary development of public policy as a discipline. This may start as early as the ancient Greek philosophers and their views on public action through contemporary classics of public policy. Emphasis will be on the interdisciplinary foundations of public policy, through examining core disciplinary contributions from economics, political science, management, philosophy, and other relevant disciplines. At the conclusion of the course, students will have read classic works in the field and will master the key themes that have dominated the intellectual debates about public policy over its history.
Schedule of Classes
Today's most pressing problems do not stop at national borders. Meeting these challenges requires a range of state and non-state actors to work together. Students gain familiarity with key actors in the global system and how they approach today's most intractable problems. How do countries, international organizations, multinational corporations, and nongovernmental organizations find ways to cooperate when their interests and capabilities sometimes differ drastically? And, what are the key barriers to cooperation? We will examine a set of global policy issues requiring a transnational response including violent conflict, nuclear non-proliferation, human rights, migration, international trade, climate change, infectious disease, and humanitarian relief.
Schedule of Classes

Improving U.S. and European security policy making toward Iran requires increasing public and official understanding of the concerns and perspectives of Iran’s leaders and citizens.
Learn More about Security Cooperation with Iran: Challenges and Opportunities
Even in non-democracies, public attitudes matter. So what does the public think?
Learn More about Public Opinion on International PoliciesSchool Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, Ebrahim Mohseni
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
Other Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Clay Ramsay
Other Authors: Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, Ebrahim Mohseni
Other Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, Ebrahim Mohseni
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
Other Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, Ebrahim Mohseni
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, Ebrahim Mohseni
School Authors: Clay Ramsay
Other Authors: Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
Other Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
Other Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay
Other Authors: Ebrahim Mohseni, Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, Ebrahim Mohseni
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
Other Authors:
School Authors: Steven Kull, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Steven Kull, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Steven Kull, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Ebrahim Mohseni, Clay Ramsay
School Authors: Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, Ebrahim Mohseni