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Maryland Day Visitors Learn, Serve and Give at Do Good Pavilion

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In its 19th year, Maryland Day is an annual tradition at the University of Maryland. It welcomes more than 75,000 visitors to campus for a one-day open house encouraging visitors to explore University of Maryland’s world of Fearless Ideas and see all that the university does for the community, the state and the world. 

At this year’s Maryland Day, the Do Good Pavilion, located in Hornbake Plaza, showcased current and alumni Do Good students to prospective and current students, alumni, as well as staff, faculty and community members. The highly interactive, experiential opportunity exposed Do Good to all ages in a family-friendly way. 

The Do Good Institute encouraged visitors to Learn, Serve and Give. All activities were focused on three social issues: sustainability, health and education. 

In the learn tent, visitors learned about the importance of advocacy and awareness by learning about pressing social issues through quizzes, fast facts, trivia wheels and other activities and games focused on the issues of environment, education, and health. TurBinD and The Bee’s Needs informed visitors about alternative energies and pollination. She’s the First and Kodactive highlighted female education around the world and coding applications. Nourish: Mommy and Me and Terp Thon illustrated the difficulties faced by children in the hospital and pregnant mothers. 

Next, visitors learned about the importance of volunteerism and were able to serve by doing a brief hands-on service activity that aligns with the social issues featured at the Pavilion. Visitors were able to build a solar powered night light, help build a wind-powered turbine, plant a flower to help combat the bee population decline, write cards to children in hospitals or package blankets for adults and children living with illness.  

Finally, visitors learned about the importance of philanthropy at the Give tent. Visitors were encouraged to give “Do Good Dollars” to the student-led initiative they decide is the best Do Good project or venture. Each team pitched their effort and impact to encourage visitors to give to their cause, issue area or project. She's the First collected the most Do Good Dollars and received a $200 award to continue their efforts.  

The University of Maryland launched an effort to become the nation’s first Do Good Campus and established the Do Good Institute as a campus-wide hub for research, philanthropy, social innovation and nonprofit leadership. The Institute wants to reinvent the college experience through hands-on learning experiences and engage the entire student body in efforts to ensure every student will be informed and motivated to do good on campus and in their communities. 

For Media Inquiries:
Megan Campbell
Senior Director of Strategic Communications
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