Government, at all levels, spends trillions of tax dollars each year on goods and services. The increasing complex interplay of acquiring, maintaining, and securing these goods and services remains a fundamental supporting activity. To do so government acquisition must be managed and secured in an effective and efficient manner throughout the entire acquisition cycle, from requirements development, through sustainment and disposal.
The Center conducts research and education to inform government policies and make improvements in the delivery of public services and products, while simultaneously reducing their costs. This project focuses on a range of critical activities including:
- Identifying government acquisition best practices and governance structures.
- Engaging with relevant stakeholders to evaluate, inform, influence, secure and effectively implement acquisition policy.
- Examining alternative sourcing strategies, such as outsourcing, privatization, public private partnerships (state and local governments have demonstrated a renewed interest in PPPs), and other transaction authority (OTA) for the provision of goods and services.
- Preparing policy students for careers in the public sector acquisition.
- Participating in interdisciplinary research to improve product support and system sustainment.