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Clyde Moore is a retired U.S. Army Colonel (Green Beret). He currently leads the University of Maryland School of Public Policy Office of Executive Programs Master of Professional Studies – Public Administration mentoring program. He also serves as the office’s lead planner and coordinator for student academic engagements with the Federal Government and state.

Throughout his 30-year career, he has had the honor to partner with numerous U.S. Government (USG) agencies and departments, non-governmental agencies, and international partners and communities in support of U.S. interests abroad and at home. Of note, he was a member of the Special Operations Command Central Forward Headquarters, Doha, Qatar (Middle East). During this period, he served in numerous Joint Special Operations positions in furtherance of the “Global War on Terror” and other U.S. National Security requirements. Upon returning to the States, he served as a Battalion Commander and Brigade Chief of Staff within the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. Afterward, he served in the Department of the Army Inspector General as an investigator within the Senior Investigation Division and later as the Executive Officer for the Inspector General.

Before retiring from active duty, Moore served as the U.S. Special Operations Command (Airborne) Senior Representative at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Headquarters to help strengthen the USG’s national security apparatus to combat threats to the homeland. While with DOJ, Moore helped build coalitions and collaborated with the White House National Security Council and Staff, Threat Mitigation Working Group, the Intelligence
Community, DOJ HQs, other interagency partners, and DoD senior leaders to bring persons of interest to justice. Moore retired from military service on January 1, 2016. 

Following his passion for public policy, he returned to school, graduating from the University of Maryland School of Public Policy Master of Public Management program in the Fall of 2018. Moore holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of South Carolina State. He is a Distinguished Military Graduate from the University’s Army ROTC program. He is a graduate of the Army Special Forces Qualification Course (Honor Graduate), Army Ranger Course, Army Command and General Staff College, and the Joint Forces Staff College. He is a recipient of the U.S. Department of Justice Distinguished Service Award and the U.S. Department of Defense Superior Service Medal.

Moore is married to Rosalind W. Moore. They have two adult children.