The School of Public Policy is proud to announce for the Fall 2024 semester that the following policy students were awarded semester academic honors.
Semester academic honors are awarded to full-time undergraduate students who earned a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher while taking 12 or more credits. This recognition is also noted on the student's academic record. In order to comply with privacy laws, students who have registered with the university to have their directory information withheld are not listed below.
Abdullai, Alirat Oyinkansola
Ahmed, Aryaan Khwaja
Amaya, Eric Anthony
Ambardekar, Avani
Arch, Kayla Preston
Assefa, Tewodros Mulusew
Baber, Caroline Joyce
Bang, Eugene David
Banks, Liam Tate
Baranick Barberena, Amanda Lucia
Blom, Conrad Ndoki
Bowen-Longino, Amber Lea
Brennan, Eli Daniel
Breslau, Hannah Milstein
Brown, Alexis Noelle
Brown, Rosalie Camille
Burgess, Jordan Alyssa
Burke, Alexandra Margaret
Cagan, Brianna Kelly
Cambara, Ericka Idalia
Carlson, Justin Eric
Carr, Ryan Christopher
Carter, John Edward
Cauley, Tylyr Joelle
Chen, Frances Yi-Peing
Cheris, Michael Jonah
Cherry, Katherine Marie
Chrisfield, Calvin Kim
Clelland, Mary Catherine
Conish, Sophia Elizabeth
Cowles, Audrey Susan
Cucuel, Owen Steiner
Curry, Samantha Rose
Cusack, Isabella Corrin
Delaney, Margaret Elizabeth
Deweaver, Michael Victor
Dilello, Hannah Elizabeth
Dinshah, Isabella Faith
Dispirito, Nicholas Robert
Dougherty, Megan Ilene
Dukes, Kerra Louise Jacque
Durkovic, Maja Nikolina
Eason, Amanda Anne
Edelstein, Shawn David
Efrem, Lydia
Essilfie, Lynelle Effiah
Ewing, Anna Catharine
Ferbert, Ella Katherine
Fernando Mahamalage, Nethun Samalka
Firosz, Graham Miller
Fish, Marissa Hannah
Fishkin, Stephanie Molly Feinberg
Fleischmann, Lily Victoria
Flores, Jasmine Faith
Forest, Harrison Ethan
Frew, Gretel Josephine
Fuentes, Javier Holdemar
Garcia, Sophie Kalman
Garg, Aditi
Gershman, Danielle Mykaela
Glaster, Zarinah Elizabeth
Goldstein, Molly Claire
Gonce, Lilli Danielle
Gonzalez Villatoro, Yonathan Francisco
Grable, Isabelle Robinson
Harman, Alexis Kennedy
Harris, Catherine Margaret
Hassan, Caitlin Simone
Hassanin, Solaiman Khamis
Hayashi, Ivy Tomomi
Henick, Jack Peyton
Hira, Alisa Anjali
Hopkins, Faith Helen
Houlton, Eva Elizabeth
Housteau, Alexandra Marie
Huang, Ethan Y.
Hulen, Phoebe Alexis
Iqbal, Salman
Jablonski, Abby Lynn
Jacobstein, Noah Matthew
Jeon, Ha-Yeon
Jones, Abigail Josephine
Juarez, Jason Rene
Kadabha, Nainika Nithya
Kaplan, Alexander Manuel
Katz, Andrew Jacob
Katz, Austin Phillip
Kebede, Annan Solomon
Kempfer, Holly Grace
Kieley, Shayna Lee
Kirkire, Jahnavi
Kitching, Nia Janelle
Kruper, Madellyn Jane
Lacorte, Paige Madison
Ladoulis-Urban, Raisse Gabrielle
Lakanu, Oluwakamisi Oluwajeminipe
Lange, Faith
Lascola, Daniel Martin
Leason, Morgan Serena
Legator, Madeline Emma
Levine, Laura Beryl
Linkie, Sophie Marlow
Linthicum, Jenna Elizabeth
Littlejohn, Saniya
Macaso, Miguel Karl Gerard Guico
Manrique, Camila
Matthews, Logan Olivia
Mazure, Keaton Ronald
McNeal, Rosemary Judith
Mendoza-Diaz, Kaylee Janet
Meza, Nicole Valeria
Miller, Clara Madaline
Moitoza, Anna Therese
Montour, Luka Joy
Moore, Joseph Thomas
Morgan, Leah
Muldoon, Aidan Charles
Murphy, Megan Ivers
Neubauer, Gavin Alexander
Nevrekar, Surabhi Manish
Niyangoda, Emilia Ann
Nji, Jayden Jude
Ohlke, Anjuna Frances
Ortez, Valentina
Pak, Grace Shinbee
Pandya, Ashna Rupal
Parizh, Aleeza
Parkins, Caleb Berkeley
Patchell, Lucas Clifton
Payne, Sara Catherine
Petter-Lipstein, Liora
Pritchett, Alex Catherine Brianna
Qadri, Isra
Rahman, Farah
Raimondi, Julia Margaret
Rand, Valerie Dana
Reinhart, Taryn Leona
Roedersheimer, Abigail
Rothschild, Amy
Ryder, Olivia Rose
Saeed, Sami Nicolas
Saidel, Sara Michal
Sakai, Emily Grace
Sampedro, Sofia Isabel
Sandhu, Navjosh Singh
Schnell, Parker Levin
Schofer, Noam Ethan
Schrantz, Sophia Terese
Schultz, Scott Santiago
Sharp, Sophie Grace
Shoaib, Minhul
Sikorski, Savanna Cassidy
Silva Varela, Mary Elena
Simon, Jaina
Simon, Kiana Alissa
Slade, Oliver Harrison
Sogal, Sriya
Solomon, Meirav Bracha
Sonpar, Jasmine Shanti
Sprague, Ella Elizabeth
Sriram, Sahaana Noor
Stavisky, Eva Carla
Stein, Sophia Navaz
Suresh, Varshini
Sweeney, Faith Hannah
Tariku, Tsion Mintesnot
Viemeister, Macy Jane
Vyas, Reva
Watkins, Chaltu
White, Claire Renee
White, Reagan Snow
Williams, Emma Catherine
Yeghyan, Yeva
Zinno, Matthew Joseph