The work associated with seeking funding for a research project is a critical aspect of the overall project. The School of Public Policy is trying to make it a little easier for its faculty. With this in mind, SPP launched the Proposal Support Award this past spring. Recipients of this award receive up to $2500 to develop comprehensive funding proposals that will ideally help the recipients secure additional funding for their research interests from external funders.
The 2022-2023 Awardees were announced in August by SPP Proposal Support Award Co-chairs Lucy Qui Yueming, Associate Professor; Director of Strategic Research Initiatives, and David Backer, Research Professor; Research Director, Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM).
2022-2023 SPP Proposal Support Awardees:
Charles Harry, Director of the Center for Governance of Technology and Systems (GoTech), received his award for his project: Assessing Local and State Government Agencies’ Cyber Attack Surfaces. Professor Harry’s research will focus on “developing a rigorous, systematic, repeatable, low-cost approach to gauge “attack surfaces,” providing an accounting of internet ports accessible to cyber-attackers. The accounting captures the likelihood of each vulnerability and the potential impact resulting from exploiting a given vulnerability.”
Paul Brown, Director, Civic Innovation Center (CivIC), received his award for his project: CivIC Research Development. Professor Brown is looking to examine questions related to youth civic participation to address threats to democracy at the local and national levels.
Juan Pablo Martínez Guzmán, Assistant Research Professor, received the Proposal Support Award for his research on How to Make Participatory Budgeting A Tool for Empowering African-American Communities? Professor Martínez Guzmán “aims to uncover the critical factors to ensure that participatory budgeting systems result in the empowerment of disenfranchised groups of society, particularly African-American communities in the U.S.”