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SPP Launches Dean's Internship Award

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M at Turner Hall

The School of Public Policy launched the new Dean’s Internship Award this semester.  The fund supports students pursuing unpaid internships with organizations led by or serving underrepresented groups throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC area. Three undergraduate students are the initial awardees and are working with the Social Justice School and the NAACP Maryland State Conference.

"The brilliance and power of our youth must be embraced to solve the problems of tomorrow. Where they are smart, we are wise -- a powerful combination," said Staci Hartwell from the NAACP of Maryland. "I look upon the intern as an invaluable member of our team, teaching while learning."

The effort is a part of the School of Public Policy's larger plan to promote diversity and inclusion in our community and diversify and support local nonprofit and government organizations' work and efforts focused on underrepresented communities.

As a part of the school's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging, the award was recently increased by $500 to highlight its importance. Undergraduates now receive $1500, and graduate students receive $3000 for their internship experiences. The program also actively encourages the direct exposure of careers that complement their areas of study.

"Under our guidance, we look to [our interns]to help us develop strategies, organize and initiate meetings with community leaders and heads of organizations, draft responses to legislation, write legislative testimony, conduct and validate invaluable research, develop and organize community forums, challenge the status quo and so much more, with the power of the NAACP brand behind them," Hartwell said. "They help us perfect strategies and tactics. They are tireless and effective weapons and truly embrace the mission of the NAACP. They inspire us."

Undergraduate and graduate policy students in the School of Public Policy are strongly encouraged to apply for the Dean’s Internship Award.

For Media Inquiries:
Megan Campbell
Senior Director of Strategic Communications
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